Carlisle Community Help has set up a network of hubs across the city to address the needs of affordable food in Carlisle.
You can choose from a list of items from our stocks but only pay a low set price each week. Availability will differ depending on donations or our ability to purchase stock, and we will top up your shop with donated surplus food.
We have built up relationships with local producers, who will be able to supply reduced priced locally made food to offer for sale. We think it is vital for both the local economy and our climate to keep food as local as possible.

Join the Affordable Food Hub Today
We will drop off your order to your chosen Community organisation, if one isn't available at the moment then we can drop your order off at your home address. As soon as a community organisation signs up then you will be expected to collect your order from there. We will deliver to these areas on the following days ...
- Mondays - Currock and Upperby
- Tuesday - Brampton, Denton Holme, Cathedral and Castle
- Wednesday - Harraby and Botcherby
- Thursday - City West (Belle Vue, Yewdale and Sandsfield)
- Friday - Brampton, Belah and Stanwix
Please make sure we have your order by 10 am the day before. Any orders received after this time wont be processed until the following week.